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Community Football Sessions
> Banbury United in the Community 3 of 17

3. Community Football Sessions

Banbury United offers a range of community football activities to local children, aged four to 14, in school term time, in the evenings and at weekends. We are based both at our own stadium and at indoor and outdoor local sporting facilities. A list of our current Banbury United community football session are below.

Home school Physical Education
Mondays 10:00 - 11:00
Ages: 11- 15
The Hill Community Centre
Free of charge

The Home-school session is open to children who are currently being home-schooled from the age of 11 -15 years of age. Each week the session will focus on a different sport, the main aim of the session is to get the children active for an our so they can concentrate on a hard week of learning ahead of them. What a way to start the week with our action packed PE session!

Neurodiversity Football Session
Mondays 17:00 - 18:00
Ages 6 -13
North Oxfordshire Academy Astro Turf
£2.50 Per child

OUR BRAND NEW SESSION. Starting recently this is newest community session, focusing on children with a neurodiversity condition, here is a little bit of information on what exactly Neurodiversity is:

The word neurodiversity refers to the diversity of all people, but it is often used in the context of autism spectrum disorder (, as well as other neurological or developmental conditions such as ADHD or learning disabilities. The neurodiversity movement emerged during the 1990s, aiming to increase acceptance and inclusion of all people while embracing neurological differences. Through online platforms, more and more autistic people were able to connect and form a self-advocacy movement. At the same time, Judy Singer, an Australian sociologist, coined the term neurodiversity to promote equality and inclusion of "neurological minorities." While it is primarily a social justice movement, neurodiversity research and education is increasingly important in how clinicians view and address certain disabilities and neurological conditions.

The session is relaxed and enjoyable focused on being active and playing football, we will try to get a one or two learning outcomes in every session but everyone is encouraged to go at there own speed.

Football School
Wednesday 17:00 - 18:00
Ages 6-11
North Oxfordshire Academy Astro Turf
£2.50 Per child[/b]

Football School is our most popular football session of the week, a fun relaxed session where children can attend and not worry about how good they are but to just love playing football and to know there is no judgement. First half of the session filled with fun learning games and the second half is matches either in tournament form or one big game where even the coaches get involved in the fun!

Wildcats (Girls Football)
Thursday 17:00 - 18:00
Ages 6 -11
North Oxfordshire Academy Astro Turf

Our leading Girls session, our ever popular girls session is fun for all ages and abilities. Fun engaging games start off our sessions each week finishing in Matches and penalty shootouts to have that competitive edge. Girls football is growing at a massive rate ever since the Lionesses triumph a couple of years ago, want to join? Come along on a Thursday and see what our Wildcats session are all about!

Junior Reds
Sundays 9:30 - 10:30
Ages 4-6
Banbury Plant Hire Community Stadium

Our youngest session of the week is based at The Banbury Plant Hire Community Stadium where our first team play there home matches. This session is where the journey starts for our young football stars. Why not start your littles ones football journey with us at Banbury United, this session leads directly into one of our U7's teams where they try their hand at competitive football for the first time.

Banbury Partnership Inclusive Session
Sundays 11:00 - 12:00
Longford Park Football Fields
Free of charge

Banbury United has joined forces with Longford Park Football Club, Adderbury Park Football club & Easington Sports Football club to co- deliver this special session on a Sunday Morning. Full of fun and laughter this is the perfect session for this children who love playing football.

All these sessions are turn up and play sessions, alternatively you can book on our Eventbrite.

If you plan to participate in any of these sessions, it is essential that you follow and regularly check Banbury United’s community Facebook page and website for changes to planned sessions due to pitch availability, weather or instructor sickness etc.